Divorce Mediator

Contact Details

Phone Number:
076 938 8092

Physical Address

1277 Mike Crafford Avenue, Centurion



About Divorce Mediator

Divorce mediation is promoted as a process that can resolve the sensitive disputes associated with divorce, especially where children are involved, in a manner which is preferable to traditional courtroom resolution.
Divorce mediation is a process through which a neutral Mediator with knowledge of the patrimonial consequences of the divorce, child law and family law assists the husband and wife in reaching their own settlement agreement.
It differs from contested courtroom divorces in that the husband and wife work towards reaching a settlement pertaining to the division of the estate, primary residency of the children, contact with and maintenance of the children.
An important feature of divorce mediation is that focus is directed on the best interest of the children.
A settlement is reached in as many as 80% - 90% of mediated divorces.

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